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SRE and the Law

The Learning and Skills Act (2000)

The Act requires every Local Authority, head teacher and governing body to provide SRE and that a current SRE policy be in place and available to anybody working in the school setting.

Sex and Relationship Education Guidance (DfEE 2000)

This guidance states that mainstream and special schools have a duty to ensure that children with SEND are properly included in SRE. It also states that SRE should help all pupils understand their physical and emotional development and enable them to make positive decisions in their lives. Supplemented by Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) for the 21st Century produced by PSHE association.

Web: www.gov.uk/government/publications/sex-and-relationship-education

SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years

Web: www.gov.uk/schools-colleges/special-educational-needs

Learning Disabilities, Sex and the Law (Family Planning Association 2009)

Web: www.fpa.org.uk

Sexual Offences Act (Home Office 2003)

Web: www.legislation.gov.uk