Skills for People offers a wide range of services to other groups and organisations.
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[su_icon_text color=”#204477″ icon=”icon: star” icon_color=”#f58428″ icon_size=”30″ url=””]Easy Information Service
We provide a service to create easy read versions of your documents as well as films and other accessible information. [/su_icon_text]
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[su_icon_text color=”#204477″ icon=”icon: check-square-o” icon_color=”#85b727″ icon_size=”30″ url=””]Quality Checkers
Quality Checkers are people with learning disabilities and family carers who check how well health and social care services support people. We also train people with learning disabilities to become paid Quality Checkers.[/su_icon_text]
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[su_icon_text color=”#204477″ icon=”icon: wheelchair-alt” icon_color=”#42a5f5″ icon_size=”30″ url=””]Room Hire
We have several rooms at base in Byker that can be hired for meetings or events. The building is accessible, with a lift to the first floor.[/su_icon_text]
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[su_icon_text color=”#204477″ icon=”icon: user-md” icon_color=”#bc7d24″ icon_size=”30″ url=””]Training
We provide training for health and social care professionals, students and others. Our training is usually delivered by people with learning disabilities and/or autism, who are experienced trainers.[/su_icon_text]
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[su_icon_text color=”#204477″ icon=”icon: users” icon_color=”#b62b83″ icon_size=”30″ url=””]Working in Partnership
Skills for People support people with learning disabilities and/or autism and family carers to work with organisations to make services better. Get in touch if you would like to work with us.[/su_icon_text]
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[su_icon_text color=”#204477″ icon=”icon: life-ring” icon_color=”#fcda03″ icon_size=”30″ url=””]Safe Places Scheme
Skills for People are managing the Safe Place scheme in Redcar and Cleveland with help from Independent Voices, a group who speak up for people with a learning disability.[/su_icon_text]