Mindfulness for Life – Resources Hub
The resources on our mindfulness hub are made for people with a learning disability who have taken part in the Skills for People Mindfulness course and practice groups.

Coming to Breath

Please do not share, download or copy our films without written permission of Skills for People. Please do not use these mindfulness films in any unauthorised training or support sessions.
Useful Organisations
Good Practice Guidelines for teachers – based at Bangor University, these guidelines are for mindfulness teachers who work with people with Learning Disabilities.
NE Mindfulness Network – based in the North East of England, it promotes quality and standards within mindfulness teaching.
Mindfulness in Life – Gwennie Fraser, based in the North East. If you want to know more about the 8 week Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction course.
Skills for People Mindfulness for Life videos
Mindfulness for Life: People with a learning disability taking the lead (5:24 mins) – An inspirational film from Skills for People, about how people with a learning disability have helped bring mindfulness into the lives of others. Supported by NHS England’s Sharing and Celebrating Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare community grant.
Beginning Mindfulness for Life (36:55 mins) – exploring how we could bring the benefit of mindfulness to people with learning disability and/or autism.