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Other changes


Carers are put on an equal footing to those they care for. Carers have the same entitlement to support to continue in their caring role whilst maintaining their wellbeing. There is a new duty to involve carers in developing a person’s support plan.


The law is strengthened around safeguarding; introducing new requirements for councils to work with partners to safeguard people against harm, abuse or neglect as far as possible through a multi-agency approach and ensuring safeguarding of vulnerable adults is “everyone’s businesses”.

Independent advocacy

If someone needs support to understand or be involved in assessment, review or care planning and if a family member can’t provide this, councils must arrange an independent advocate who is trained to enable them to be part of these processes.

Supporting local services

Councils must work with organisations that provide care and support services to make sure people have a choice of high quality services in their local area. If a care provider fails, the council must make sure people using the service are supported.


When assessing a child, younger carer or adult caring for a child, councils must plan for adulthood and ensure services are in place to support this.

Moving between areas

Councils have a new duty to provide continuity of care when a person moves to a new local authority.